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Inventory Management

Managing stocks and optimizing pilferage is fundamental for a property’s profitability. Manage Stocks across stores & departments in a well organized manner.


Easy to organize inventory operations by creating multiple stores and departments so that accountability of the stock can be de-centralized and stocks are measurable in real-time.

Purchase/Issue UOM

Supports different UOM(Units of Measurement) applicable to individual articles. Set-up UOM conversion factors, and define separate UOMs for Purchase and Issuance of items.

Consumption/Issue Schemes

Use separate Costing methods for system to manage Costing of items issues from Stores. Supports LIFO, FIFO, Average-Price and Batch Pricing methods for monetizing Issued items.

Supplier/Stock Issue Reports

Provides Stock issuance reports based on multiple criteria like Stores, Department-type, Departments, Items Categories or Items. You can also organize these reports item-wise or date-wise.

Department/Supplier Returns

Manage returns of stocks from Departments to Store and to Supplier. Get detailed reporting of Returns to rectify reasons for returns and optimize Issuance processes accordingly.

Physical Stock Audits

Detailed reports for Store Stocks, Returns, Stock Inward reports and Store-wise wastage reports help in reliable audits of Stocks, returns and Pilferage of items. Day-end audits avoid losses due to thefts or pilferages.

Store-to-Store Transfers

Manage Store-to-Store transfers and perform audits using Store-to-Store Transfer reports and Store Stocks.

Stock Issue Reports

Get detailed reports on issuance of stocks from Store to Departments based on multiple criteri.

Stock Item Schemes

Capture Schemes received from suppliers on various items and system appropriately calculates effective price.

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